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  • Writes Like She Talks blogger Jill Miller Zimon, herself a candidate for public office in Ohio, wrote last week about a National Republican Congressional Committee campaign that identifies a list of “young guns” to unseat Democrats in mid-term U.S. House elections.

    Sister, Can You Spare a Dime « AAUW Dialog 2009

  • A five-term U.S. House member from the suburbs of Detroit, McCotter has not yet met the national media outlets' poll-based criteria to gain participation in a debate with his fellow Republican presidential candidates.

    All Stories 2011

  • A five-term U.S. House member from the suburbs of Detroit, McCotter has not yet met the national media outlets' poll-based criteria to gain participation in a debate with his fellow Republican presidential candidates.

    All Stories 2011

  • The U.S. House is a very different place today than it was when we began.

    GetReligion 2010

  • Now I look around and see a woman as Speaker of the U.S. House, the first ever.

    The Good Fight Walter F. Mondale 2010

  • Now I look around and see a woman as Speaker of the U.S. House, the first ever.

    The Good Fight Walter F. Mondale 2010

  • Now I look around and see a woman as Speaker of the U.S. House, the first ever.

    The Good Fight Walter F. Mondale 2010

  • So it appears that U.S. House Speaker John Boehner may be able to sideline Senate legislation to punish China for its supposed currency manipulation.

    Getting Tough With China (the Right Way) 2011

  • WASHINGTON—A key U.S. House lawmaker, speaking Thursday at a hearing on the broadband-spectrum proposal of LightSquared Inc., said the Federal Communications Commission shouldn't approve a service that disrupts or burdens global positioning system devices in the aviation industry.

    LightSquared's Spectrum Proposal Opposed by GPS, Flying Advocates Amy Schatz 2011

  • She made the remarks in a video played for the U.S. House subcommittee on Asia and Pacific Affairs.

    US Signals Support for Burma Investigation 2011


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